New Lenten Guide Is Here


The updated Lenten Guide is now available and are working on a sequel that will expand the activities and resources into the celebration of Easter—not just the day but the whole season up to Pentecost.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I am inspired by NT Wright’s comment, “If Calvary means putting to death things in your life that need killing off if you are to flourish as a Christian and as a truly human being, then Easter should mean planting, watering and training up things in your life that ought to be blossoming…” We want to take people on a journey – not just to the cross but into the resurrection and the wonder of God’s new world.

This new Lenten guide has been updated with weekly reflections, litanies, and resources to help you on your journey. There is no charge for this resource, but we do ask that if you use it with a small group or church that you consider a donation to Mustard Seed Associates so that we can continue producing resources like this. The suggested donation is $5 per participant.

There are two ways in which you can participate in this journey through Lent and Easter.

  1. Get involved. We invite you to join us in our journey through Lent and Easter. Get together each week with a group of friends or your small group at church, use the reflections and participate in the activities.
  1. If you have a blog, join our synchroblog. This blog, during Lent and Easter will focus on the meaning of Lent and the celebration of Easter in this practical way. We already have about 40 bloggers signed up so expect this to be a spectacular Lent and Easter celebration.  Obviously this will involve far more than a simple blog post, as each person involved would need to engage in at least one of the activities listed. The most popular activity last time was the Mutunga $2 Challenge that restricts one’s food budget to $2 per person per day for a week. 

If you would like to be a part of the synchroblog, I would ask you to commit to a minimum of one week involvement during Lent and one week during the Easter season. The weeks during Lent focus on the brokenness of the world; the weeks of Easter leading up to Pentecost will focus on what is blossoming—signs of the kingdom that give us hope and encouragement. During this season, we will profile organizations and individuals that you know who are making a difference in their communities and around the world and giving hope to all of us that our lives can make a difference for God.

I am looking forward to receiving your reflections, poems, photos or other contributions.  Each week will post links to the reflections bloggers have written, as well as other resources that can help people for the following week. We will also post a series of meditation videos that you might like to use for meditation during the week. All these posts will culminate in two celebration presentations, one during Holy Week, when I will post a special “Stations of the Cross” presentation compiled from some of the ideas expressed in the blog posts and reflections that others send in. And during Pentecost, I will post another series focused on “Stations of the Banquet,” images and reflections that show the glory of God.

Please let others know about this resource and encourage them to send me reflections, photos, or ideas that can be incorporated in either the Stations of the Cross presentation or the Stations of the Banquet presentation.

55 Responses

  1. I am placing this comment because I have read a lot of articles online and this is one of the very best and most informative articles I have read in a long time. Thank you! Enjoy Your Life: Change Your Point of View “Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars.”- Frederick Langbridge, A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts If you’ve placed second in a writing contest, will you jump for joy and push for better results the next time or will you be discouraged and find an excuse not to join again? In life, you are always filled with choices. You may opt to have a pessimist’s view and live a self-defeated life or you may decide to take the optimist’s route and take a challenging and fulfilling life. So why nurture an optimist’s point of view? And why now? Well, optimism has been linked to positive mood and good morale; to academic, athletic, military, occupational and political success; to popularity; to good health and even to long life and freedom from trauma. On the other hand, the rates of depression and pessimism have never been higher. It affects middle-aged adults the same way it hits younger people. The mean age of onset has gone from 30 to 15. It is no longer a middle-aged housewife’s disorder but also a teen-ager’s disorder’ as well. Here’s how optimists are in action and researches that back up why it really pays to be an optimist: Optimists expect the best The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events, which will last a long time and undermine everything they do, are their own fault. The truth is optimists are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world. What differs is the way they explain their misfortune—it’s the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback, that its causes are confined to this one case. Optimists tend to focus on and plan for the ‘problem’ at hand. They use ‘positive reinterpretation.’ In other words, they most likely reinterpret a negative experience in a way that helps them learn and grow. Such people are unfazed by bad situation, they perceive it is a challenge and try harder. They won’t say “things will never get better,” “If I failed once, it will happen again” and “If I experience misfortune in one part of my life, then it will happen in my whole life.” Positive expectancies of optimists also predict better reactions during transitions to new environments, sudden tragedies and unlikely turn of events. If they fall, they will stand up. They see opportunities instead of obstacles. People respond positively to optimists Optimists are proactive and less dependent on others for their happiness. They find no need to control or manipulate people. They usually draw people towards them. Their optimistic view of the world can be contagious and influence those they are with. Optimism seems a socially desirable trait in all communities. Those who share optimism are generally accepted while those who spread gloom, panic and hysteria are treated unfavorably. In life, these people often win elections; get voted most congenial and sought for advice. When the going gets tough, optimists get tougher Optimists typically maintain higher levels of subjective well-being during times of stress than do people who are less optimistic. In contrast, pessimists are likely to react to stressful events by denying that they exist or by avoiding dealing with problems. Pessimists are more likely to quit trying when difficulties arise. They persevere. They just don’t give up easily, they are also known for their patience. Inching their way a step closer to that goal or elusive dream. Optimists are healthier and live longer Medical research has justified that simple pleasures and a positive outlook can cause a measurable increase in the body’s ability to fight disease. Optimists’ health is unusually good. They age well, much freer than most people from the usual physical ills of middle age. And they get to outlive those prone to negative thoughts. So why not be an optimist today? And think positively towards a more fulfilled life. Why not look forward to success in all your endeavors? Why not be resilient? Like everybody else you are bound to hit lows sometimes but don’t just stay there. Carry yourself out of the mud and improve your chances of getting back on the right track. And why not inspire others to remove their dark-colored glasses and see life in the bright side?

  2. This is a great idea – especially because it involves so many people, first the blogger and second all the people that read the blogs. Which is a brilliant way to let people know just how Great our God is and what He did to reconcile us to Him.

    I just do not understand the first comment by TCM. It is identical, word for word to a comment he/she placed on my blog, I do not feel that that is honest if it is just copied and pasted around.
    I thought it was relevant to a life change post I wrote earlier but it was brought to my attention that it was here as well.

    Well on the bright side, I was indirectly informed of godspace 🙂


  3. Phill
    I appreciate your comment and yes I am sure that the first comment is just something that is being pasted around. I almost deleted it but decided not to and am glad that I didn’t because it obviously brought you to the blog. I hope that you stay in touch and find the resources useful.

  4. yeah, true.

  5. […] recently posted on the Lenten guide that Christine Sine produced for last year. She has now updated the Easter guide for this year, and will be adding to it over the coming […]

  6. […] Here is a helpful little guide for those interested.  Lenten Guide 2009 is produced by Christine Sine, who faithfully blogs over at godspace.typepad. […]

  7. […] new version of the Lenten guide is now available. It will contain more ideas of activities as well as resources […]

  8. […] on February 17, 2009 by Christine Sine Our church – St Albans Episcopal – has decided to use the MSA Lenten guide this year.  Our rector John Leech has put together a list of scriptures that are good alternatives […]

  9. We’re going to be doing something that has excited our small church:

    40 for 40: 40 minutes/day for 40 days we’re going to be loving our neighbor in a quest to live out the Fast of Isaiah 58.

    People can sign up to volunteer in different activities we have set up or find their own opportunities. Giddy up!

  10. […] A Lent Prayer Guide from Bob Hyatt — and of course, another one from Christine Sine […]

  11. […] on track, I’ll be using the Mustard Seed Associates Lenten guide, and participating in some of the challenges focused on bringing the ideals of Lent closer to our […]

  12. We’re using the Lenten guide as a structure for our gatherings, with a focus on increasing our service to those in need around us. I would be interested in participating in the synchro-blog, as well. Thanks!

  13. […] her for her link.  There are some excellent resources and posts at Godspace.  See for instance: The 2009 Lenten Guide,  “What is Lent anyway”, A Lenten meditation video, A liturgy for Lent, […]

  14. […] in a glimpse from our family?  We have committed to Christine Sine’s 2009 Lenten Guide: A Journey Into Wholeness.  Last night we considered What Is Lent Anyway? followed by watching and discussing the […]

  15. […] others at least weekly on a Synchro-blog hosted by Christine Sine. Those involved will all be using Mustard Seeds Lenten Guide as a common tool. I look forward to this journey. I will be sharing other things that I have found […]

  16. […] posted a selection of Lent resources yesterday which may interest you. Also Mustard Seed Associates Lenten guide is available (suggested donation $5).  In case any of you are wondering what to do with children […]

  17. […] Lenten guide is here – I highly recommend it. Christine is also setting up a Lenten synchroblog, where folks are sharing their journeys this season. It kicks off with this post by Tom […]

  18. […] of the participants in our Lenten synchroblog have already started blogging as an introduction to Lent.  I will publish the full list of […]

  19. […] am joining in the reflection this Lenten season with Mustard Seed Associates and their Lenten synchroblog.  You can join in reflecting as well by going and downloading their “A Journey into […]

  20. […] today, on Ash Wednesday, I join a community on-line as I enter into this Journey into Lent.  Also, for the next 7 Sundays I will join people in my own community with whom I will travel the […]

  21. Lent is NOT about Chocolate February 25, 2009
    Filed under: Community, Faith, God Stuff, Lent, Ponderings — EQ @ 12:53 pm Edit This

    I love chocolate.

    I grew up with chocolate as a food group, all on its own somewhere between the grains and the dairy. It was {still is} meant to be savored, letting the sweetness melt on the tongue as opposed to being grossly masticated and ingested without taste or smell. Dining on chocolate is an experience of the whole body.

    Imagine my sacrifice, then, as I gave this one *thing* up for the practice of Lent. Granted, I’m Quaker, and had no experience with Lent other than watching my friends in high school give up sugar or sweets or chocolate for Lent, all in the good purpose of getting closer to God giving something up. I wanted to give something too. And I chose not to imbibe in my one vice: chocolate.

    What followed was 40 days of “no thank you, I’m not having any chocolate during Lent,” while I longingly followed each bite of something chocolatey to and from the plate to one’s mouth, whoever’s mouth happened to be indulging at that moment. I thought that sacrificing something would allow me to focus more on God instead of the “golly-I-am-being-so-holy-by-giving-chocolate-up,” or “I-wish-I-could-have-a-bite,” or “it’s-only-twenty-nine-more-days-till-I-can-have-a-piece-of-chocolate.” Where were my God-thoughts?! Really, I only thought more about chocolate than if I’d never [given] it up in the first place.

    Then I ran across this by the Mustard Seed Associates. I realized that Lent is not about chocolate. It’s not about gaining something for myself. I still haven’t figured it out, but it’s more about giving something up of myself that will actually bring me closer to God. It’s about doing it {together} with a {community} of Christ seekers and followers.

    So today, on Ash Wednesday, I join a community on-line as I enter into this Journey into Lent. Also, for the next 7 Sundays I will join people in my own community with whom I will travel the Lenten journey.

    I might even partake of some chocolate on the way

  22. Thank you so much for this resource that you are providing through the Lenten Guide 2009 and encouraging us to get together as a community. It’s 4:22 PM where I am, I am about 3 hours away from my church’s evening service and I am still toiling with what to give up for Lent. I’ve gone from television, to Facebook, to shopping to all of it at once because I want to get back to the basics. To a time where I was unhindered by the things of this world because I wasn’t so heavily invested in it. I want to spend the next 40 days getting closer with the creator of those created things. I’d also love to join the synchroblog and hope it’s not too late.

  23. […] enter fully into Lent. This year I am joining Christine Sine and many others in going through this Lenten Guide. Over the past few months I have been really excited about this. Bryan and I have been talking a […]

  24. […] Blogging for Lent – Various Reflections on Ash Wednesday Posted on February 27, 2009 by Christine Sine Here are today’s contributions from those participating in the Lenten synchroblog […]

  25. […] off, I’ve been using some of the materials at Godspace where tough questions like “Should I give up toilet paper for Lent?” are being asked. […]

  26. […] Mutunga $2 challenge starting on Sunday.  We are doing this a week earlier than suggested in the Lenten guide because Ricci and Eliacin will become parents again in just over a week.  It has made me think […]

  27. […] For this next week I have asked people to focus their reflection and their activities on the brokenness of our inner selves.  Here are the suggested activities from the Lenten Guide […]

  28. […] on a lenten guide. Christine Sine at Godspace has provided one that I am using this year, entitled A Journey into Wholeness. You can download a pdf file here and leave a leave a donation to Mustard Seed Associates for her […]

  29. […] Posted on March 2, 2009 by Christine Sine Here are some excellent new posts for the Lenten synchroblog to reflect on during this first week of Lent.  Both of them have challenged me as I continue to […]

  30. […] great reflections to consider this lenten season, check out christine sine’s lenten guide here: the following prayer is from this material. reflect on it. let the words sink in. let God speak to […]

  31. […] down & i am going to focus in on some reflections related to lent.  i have been reading christine sine’s lenten guide, a journey into wholeness, and it has some seriously great stuff in it.  on the whole, i have […]

  32. […] of Lent & Beyond) will tie the Lenten blog entries we send her way to the weekly themes of her 2009 Lenten Guide.  You’ll find all the Lent entries at Godspace […]

  33. […] 1 Reflections March 4, 2009 I’ve been following along with some of the folks over at Godspace and using the Lenten Guide they’ve released to help direct some of my thoughts and […]

  34. […] 4, 2009 by Christine Sine I am really enjoying reading the posts that are going up as part of the Lenten synchroblog.  Some are very challenging, others are inspirational.  All are contributing to my own Lenten […]

  35. […] but today, i’m longing for mexico. as i mentioned last week, i am a week behind on christine sine’s lenten guide.  this week for me was the journey into hunger.  in the material was a powerful challenge to feed […]

  36. […] in conjunction with Lenten Synchroblog that Christine Sine is hosting at Godspace. It follows a Lenten Guide that Christine wrote entitled A Journey Into Wholeness, of which this is the […]

  37. […] it just makes me dizzy « hunger home. March 19, 2009 i am journeying through christine sine’s lenten guide on the road toward easter.  it has some really beautiful stuff in it!  week one was a journey […]

  38. […] following is the flow of the Lenten Guide – A Journey into Wholeness – by Christine Sine. Today is my third entry on observing […]

  39. […] Christine Sine (adapted version) via Mark […]

  40. […] following is the flow of the Lenten Guide – A Journey into Wholeness – by Christine Sine. This is my fourth entry on observing […]

  41. […] of us are already preparing for our celebration of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Some of us have journeyed through Lent and participated in Jesus ordeals in the wilderness as part of our preparation for this great […]

  42. […] him!” a few days later.  i skipped writing last week on lenten reflections for christine sine’s guide–the brokenness of God’s creation.  i did however, reflect on week 4–the […]

  43. […] INTO THE BROKENNESS OF GOD’S FAMILY Christine Sine in her Lenten Guide entitled A Journey into Wholeness starts off this week with a quote by Jin S Kim saying, […]

  44. […] 21:1-11) and began considering the Holy Week journey through the lens of Christine Sine’s Lenten Guide 2009.  As I envisioned a neighborhood Palm Sunday procession with my family (going to demo this year […]

  45. […] about easter this week and wrapping christine sine’s lenten guide a journey into wholeness, i so love how new life comes forth out of the funkiest, wildest crazy downward descent story.  i […]

  46. […] urge you to check out the Lenten guide entitled, “A Journey Into Wholeness.” This is a wonderful guide for the season leading up to Easter. Take a minute and check out […]

  47. […] is the link to the Lenten guide if anyone else wants to try it. It seems like this blog site has a ton of amazing resources, and it […]

  48. Thank you so much for creating the Lenten guide. I’ve just started this year and I’m only on the first week but God is already working deeply on/in me. Thank you for taking the time to create this for all of us. I pray your ministry would continue to be blessed…I pray that God may continue revealing His heart and desires for His people to you! Blessings!

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  54. […] New Lenten Guide Is Here « Godspace Comments Off […]

  55. One scene in particular, set at the aforementioned strip club, left me roaring in laughter.

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