Celtic Prayer Retreat is Over

MSA’s 18th Annual Prayer retreat is over.  We had a great time up on Camano Island and I thought that those of you who cannot make it to the Pacific Northwest would be interested in some of the prayers and photos from the event.  Maybe you would like to conduct your own mini retreat based on the format and prayers that we used.  This has become an important part of the rhythm of my life and of my spiritual practice.  We have a growing number of people that attend yearly but this year also had new participants from as far away as Denver and Florida

Kingdom Rhythms

Kingdom Rhythms

Our theme for this year was Learning Kingdom Rhythms which was based on my own reflections in earlier posts on this blog.  and the scriptures we used to meditate on using Lectio Divina were Psalm 139: 1-6, 15-16 and Matthew 11:28 – 30.  The music was again provided by Jeff Greer who wrote many of the songs specifically for the day

Jeff Greer

Jeff Greer

Here are some of the prayers that I wrote for the day that you might find useful in directing your own meditation.  I will upload more photos later today



God you promise us a burden that is light and a load that is easy,

You anoint us to study your word and meditate on your ways,

May we never be too busy to listen,

May we never be too tired to pray.

God you invite us to community but also to solitude,

You call us to work but also to rest,

May we see this day as an opportunity,

To see you, to know you, to represent you.


Speak to our hearts Lord Jesus,

In a language we can understand,

Speak to us, think within us, act though us,

Reveal in us your image.

Think within our minds Lord Jesus,

Teach us your rhythms of grace,

Speak to us, think within us, act though us,

Reveal in us your image.

Act through our labours Lord Jesus,

May we walk with you freely and lightly,

Speak to us, think within us, act though us,

Reveal in us your image.

In our work glorify you,

In our rest restore your presence,

Speak to us, think within us, act though us,

Reveal in us your image.

Through our study reveal you,

Through our prayer praise you,

Speak to us, think within us, act though us,

Reveal in us your image.

In our solitude make space for you,

In our community show oneness,

Speak to us, think within us, act though us,

Reveal in us your image.


Time for Meditation – Lectio Divina

Lunch & sharing Celtic vision

Afternoon programme including Eucharist by Ryan Marsh from Church of the Beloved

Ryan Marsh

Ryan Marsh

Lord you fill this place with the wonder of your love

Lord Jesus you are with us in this place

We came to you busy and you slowed us down

Lord Jesus you are with us in this place

We came to you weary and you refreshed us

Lord Jesus you are with us in this place

We came to you empty and you renewed us with your life

Lord Jesus you are with us in this place


Jesus we thank you for feeding so many times this day

We are nourished with forgiveness and hope,

We are renewed with strength and patience,

We are refreshed with grace and compassion

Jesus we praise you for caring for us as a shepherd cares for his sheep

We are restored with refreshment and healing

We are replenished with abundance and joy

We are reminded of your selfless abandon

Jesus we thank you for filling us with the bread and water of life

May your river continue to flow

Over us, in us and through us

And out into the world you love


For the busyness that has distracted us

Father forgive us

For the anxieties that have burdened us

Jesus forgive us

For the selfcentredness that has isolated us

Spirit forgive us

Holy Three have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Pardon and deliver us from our sins

Draw us into your eternal family

Glory to you Lord God almighty

For the work of our hands and our times of rest

For our times together and our times of solitude

For our study of your word and our prayers

Glory and praise to Jesus for the sacrament of his life

Let us give our work to him and so bear kingdom fruit

Let us give our rest to him and bring forth peace

Let us give our unity to him and build community

Glory and praise to the spirit who fills all things

May we be filled with the solitude that builds inner strength

May we pray with the wisdom that deepens intimacy with you

May we act with the love that represents you

Glory and praise to God

Making signs for the prayer trails

Making signs for the prayer trails

God today our hands have touched what you created in love and holiness  Strengthen them that they may daily bring forth fruit to your glory.  God today our lips have sung your praise and our voices rejoiced in your sanctuary  May the words of our mouths and the songs of our hearts glorify you forever  God today we have relaxed together in the presence of your loving faithfulness  Walk with us into the blessed hope of your eternal community of rest and abundance  Grant that we who have tasted your living body and life giving blood may be renewed  May we ever be restored and journey with you into the newness of life[1].

God bless and keep us

Let our actions serve you

Let our togetherness represent you

Let our prayers be incense before you

The peace of God, which passes all understanding,

keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God

and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord

And the blessing of God almighty, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit,

be among, you and remain with you always.


[1] Adapted from Liturgy of Malabar

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