Lots of Good Lenten Resources

It is great to see the good Lenten resources that are now appearing that could make this the best Lent ever for any of us that want to take this season seriously.

Bread for the World has produced an excellent “Prayers for Hungry People” guide

Bob Hyatt has produced this comprehensive Lent prayer guide for reflection

And if you have not discovered it The Text This Week has great resources including links to the scriptures, movies and art that is relevant to the theme of each of the seasons of the Christian calendar.

Lent and Beyond – An Anglican prayer blog has links to lots of good resources for Lent. One of their links to Per Christum has particularly good links to other resources. including some for celebrating with children.   Another essential site to visit is Church Year.net which has lots of good resources for all seasons of the liturgical year.

Another great website is Love Life Live Lent – good resources for churches and families

Last but not least – are you practicing Lent with children.  Julie Clawson at Emerging Parents is looking for contributions of ideas that parents would like to share.

4 Responses

  1. […] Christine Sine has a list of some good resources for the Lenten […]

  2. […] Christine Sine’s Godspace blog with thanks to Marcus Goodyear for the information about her Lenten synchroblog project. Below the video are links to other resources and prayer […]

  3. […] Christine Sine has posted some great Lent resources on her blog, including a couple of prayer guides. […]

  4. […] Recently, I’ve been reading Christine Sine’s blog.  She has an excellent post on Lenten Resources. […]

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