Changing Perspectives – A Brief History of Monsanto and Seed Houses Who Got Screwed

Territorial seeds catalogue

Last week I posted about what I discovered recently regarding the ownership of many of my favourite seed companies. This morning Bill Guerrant from White Flint Farm  sent me a link to this very helpful article at Northwest Edible Life which I decided to post as a follow up. All is not how it seems on the surface and we often need to keep our minds open and continue researching to help us have a realistic perspective. I must say this is a huge relief to me because I love Territorial Seeds not just because it is local to the Pacific NW but because its catalogue also contains great planting advice on a broad array of vegetables.

People are under the impression that Territorial Seeds and other beloved seedhouses are owned by or otherwise eager to peddle Monsanto seed onto unsuspecting home gardeners. While this story line has found a lot of play on various websites, it’s inaccurate and, I believe, does a lot of harm to very ethical seed houses who are doing everything they can to provide the best product to their customers while making business decisions that allow them to stay in business. Read the entire article.


2 Responses

  1. Glad to see that you’re spreading the word on this! I was so disappointed at Johnny’s and Territorial. This really helps clarify things. Johnny’s has said it will no longer restock the seeds from the company Monsanto purchased, once the existing stock is gone. I’m taking them on their word and we’ll continue to do business with them for now.

  2. Yes I was glad to see how seriously they seem to be taking this and also delighted at how much discussion this concern seems to have raised for many of us.

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