An Invitation to join me in Getting Ready For Lent and Easter

Lent is still over a month away. It officially begins on Ash Wednesday – this year on February 25th. However I know that many people and certainly a lot of churches start thinking about how they will celebrate Lent the moment the Christmas season is over. A couple of years ago, after the 10th person told me they were giving up chocolate for Lent I became extremely frustrated and decided to produce a Lenten guide that encouraged people to make some meaningful sacrifices during this season. Each week we focused on a different aspect of the brokenness of the human condition – with activities from easy to challenging that people could participate in.


This year I am working to update this resource and expand it into the celebration of Easter – not just the day but the whole season up to Pentecost. I am inspired by NT Wright’s comment, “If Calvary means putting to death things in your life that need killing off if you are to flourish as a Christian and as a truly human being, then Easter should mean planting, watering and training up things in your life that ought to be blossoming…” I am also concerned that when I look at images that portray both the despair and hope of our world that it was easier to find the images of despair than of hope. So often our celebration of Easter seems to focus on the walk to the Cross rather than on God’s resurrection-created kingdom.

The new version of the Lenten guide is now available. It will contain more ideas of activities as well as resources that will enable people to carry out these suggestions. It will also provide a weekly reflection on the focus topic.

So here is where I would like your help. I would like to conduct a synchroblog during Lent and Easter to focus on the meaning of Lent and the celebration of Easter in this practical way. Would you consider being a part of this? I realize that it involves far more than a simple blog post as each person involved would need to engage in at least one of the activities listed. You may like to just use the guide for a single week. The most popular activity last time was the Mutunga $2 Challenge to restrict one’s food budget to $2 per person per day for a week.


If you would like to be a part of the synchroblog, I would ask you to commit to a minimum of one week involvement during Lent and one week during the Easter season. The weeks during Lent would focus on the brokenness of the world; the weeks of Easter leading up to Pentecost would focus on what is blossoming – signs of the kingdom that give us hope and encouragement. Hopefully this is a season when we can profile organizations and individuals you know who are making a difference in their communities and around the world and so giving hope to all of us that our lives can make a difference for God. The topics for each of the five weeks of Lent will be: inner brokenness, poverty, homelessness, creation, and broken unity within the church. For the Easter season, the topics will focus on where God’s new world is blossoming: in inner healing, in overcoming poverty and homelessness, creation stewardship, and unity within the body of Christ.


Each week I will post the links to the reflections bloggers have written as well as other resources that can help people for the following week. I intend to provide a video meditation reflection for each week too. This will culminate in two celebration presentations, one during Holy week when I would like to put up a special “Stations of the Cross” presentation compiled from some of the ideas expressed in the blog posts, and one during Pentecost when the focus would be on “Stations of the Banquet,” images and reflections that show the glory of God


Second, would you let others know about this resource and encourage them to send me reflections, photos, or ideas that can be incorporated in either the Stations of the Cross presentation or the Stations of the Banquet presentation?


Please let me know in the next couple of weeks if you can participate. I want to be able to list participants on my blog as soon as I know who they will be. If you know of others who would like to participate in the synchroblog don’t hesitate to pass this on to them too. I want this to be open and as widely used as possible.  I think it will be a fun way to enter into the true meaning of Lent and Easter… and keep on eating chocolate!!!

The 2009 lenten guide is now available





57 Responses

  1. Yes. I would love to take part. Please let me know how you would like to communicate. I blog at and

  2. I would love to take part in this journey. I desire to commit throughout Lent, Holy Week and Easter. My blog This is such an incredible way of building community.

  3. I would be interested.

  4. I’m pretty new to the whole liturgical world, but would love to go on this ride with you if you wouldn’t mind a rookie on board. I blog at for now. Thanks for doing this!

  5. would love to

  6. As long as I can keep eating chocolate, I’m in! Seriously, it’s a perfect fit for me right now, as I’m trying to explore liturgical/church year worship.

  7. Christine, I LOVE this! Great idea and I love the way you are involving others in it. I wrote a lot about Lent last year and then later in the year I read Surprised by Hope and was also really challenged to focus more on the easter season. I was just starting to think about blogging throughout both seasons this year and starting to process how I personally would engage in these seasons – so I was very excited to see this post. I’m definitely in 🙂 the blog is

  8. I am in! I will work in and
    Thank you for this challenge!

  9. please count on me! this sounds terrific Christine.

  10. […] intensive yoga training this weekend). But, then this morning I had a little time and came across Christine Sine’s Invitation to join her in Getting Ready for Lent and Easter. She invited anyone who wants to participate to use her Lenten guide and also the guide she is […]

  11. Please add me to the list of interested participants! Looking forward to getting to know you all! And a word of thanks to Christine for putting this together.

  12. i think this is a great idea, and though i feel a bit of a novice at participating, i’d like to. can you let me know a bit more about what your thoughts are? a blog post per day, every other day, once a week, etc? any other direction. i’m

  13. We don’t blog, but we’re eager to join – is that OK?
    Thanks for coordinating this – we’re looking forward to it.

  14. Thanks for all the interest I will get back to you in this next week about how to participate and how to download the new materials for this year – and you do not need to be a blogger to participate in the Lenten Challenge. In fact we hope that many groups and churches will join with us.

  15. Dear Christine,
    Thank you so much for this opportunity to become involved in a structured and disciplined lenten season. I am a Community Health teacher at Azusa Pacific University and I would like this information asap so that I can involve my students in this discipline. Many of them are encountering the poor and the homeless for the first time in their young lives and this will enrichen their experience. Blessings for you for providing this opportunity.
    In Him,
    Rebecca Henderson

  16. I’d like to participate. I’ve always thought oddly of just giving up chocolate and caffiene… a few years ago I started challenging people (and myself) to add something that would bring them closer to God or take out something that separates them from God rather than simply adding or taking away a habit.

  17. I would like to join as well! Don’t blog but am excited to join you all in this journey.

  18. i am interested…

  19. I had just decided not to do my usually give up sweets for Lent and I got your message today.
    So, I’m in!

  20. i’ll give it a go. looking forward to the guide. I already have something in mind that’s a secret surprise to do with my youth group :).


  21. Count me in. Thanks, Christine!

  22. thank you for the invitation I am in as well

  23. I think it’s a great idea. Count me in, as long as I don’t have to give up playing on-line scrabble with my son.

  24. I would count it a blessing if you would count me in too.

  25. Hi, Christine. I’d like to participate. Thank you.

  26. Love to come alongside you for this Lenten journey…

  27. I’d like to participate. I blog at

    Thanks for creating this opportunity!


  28. Christine, sounds like a pilgrimage worth taking in company, I would be very happy to join with you all

  29. I have done similar things in the past and have always been blessed! I have looked for something the past few years and have been disappointed that I couldn’t find one that brought me deeper into the experience of Christ.

    I will join you. Thank you for the invitation!

  30. I’m in, sounds like a wonderful idea. Please keep me informed and thanks so much for the invitation.

  31. Interested. Count me in.

  32. Don’t blog, but would certainly like to be involved with this. Sounds wonderful that people want to experience God working through their lives.

  33. What is a synchroblog? and why does my question make me feel so old?

  34. Hey Christine,

    I’d like to join you, but I might be giving up chocolate…:)

    I’ll commit to one week for Lent and one for Easter.

    Greta b

  35. I’d love to be a part of this!

  36. […] Christine Sine at GodSpace is currently writing an update to her guide on participating in Lent in a meaningful way. If giving up chocolate is as far as you normally go, then this would be a fantastic challenge. […]

  37. This sounds like a great idea and I would be interested in participating. Prior to Christmas I wrote about 46 ways to make it Christmas everyday. I love your idea and welcome the challenge.

  38. Sure, I’ll help, let me know what you want me to do

  39. Count me in this Lenten journey.

  40. […] MSA I was asked to provide the weekly reflection on homelessness for the MSA Lenten Guide produced by Dr. Christine Sine.  Here is an excerpt in its unedited […]

  41. I would love to be involved, count me in!

  42. I am in. This is a fantastic idea! I will link to you as well.

  43. […] give to an organization that works with the poor.  If you are interested in joining us check out the Lenten Guide Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)News That Makes My Heart AcheBreaking News from […]

  44. Each year I grieve that we do a local ‘Good Friday witness’ in a visible spot – a sombre affair – but never put out the balloons and chocolates for Easter!

    I would love to join in your initiative. It might bring my stagnant blog to life as well!!

  45. […] out Christine’s Lenten resources. If you are a blogger, you can join us in writing about Lent as a joint exercise. If not, she has a […]

  46. Sure thing. I’m in.

  47. […] are also invited to take part in our Lenten synchroblog for 2009 Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Anticipating AdventSmokin’ in the […]

  48. I am not a blogger, but am very interested in hearing what people are doing. I have decided to try the H20 challenge with LIving Water International and this is a perfect complement to my effort.

  49. Barbara,
    That sounds interesting. Send me your reflections

  50. If it’s not too late, I would love to be involved with the synchroblog. If you need my email address or anything let me know.


  51. Christine, I am just now getting re-focused on blogging and gearing up for Lent. Your Lenten devotional guide looks excellent and I intend to review it further this evening and see how I might be able to participate.

    I’m not quite sure I exactly understand what you have in mind in terms of participation in the synchroblog — are you asking bloggers who participate to write a reflection / entry that ties in with one of the weeks of your devotional guide? I would probably be willing and able to do that.

    I’m Karen B. ( and I blog at Lent & Beyond. (

    Thanks so much for all the great resources you’ve got posted! May the Lord grant you grace and blessing so that this Lent will be holy and bring Him glory.

  52. I don’t think my initial post ‘took’ … our family’s intending to participate. Please pass along more info.

  53. […] through the High Calling Blog’s RSS feed recently, I found an open invitation by Christine Sine of the Godspace blog to journey toward the Cross by observing […]

  54. […] I’ve found online, particularly from Mustad Seed Associates.  Christine Sine has organized a synchoblog for people to share their experiences, troubles, joys, and small steady steps as they follow […]

  55. […] I ran across this by the Mustard Seed Associates.  I realized that Lent is not about chocolate.  It’s not […]

  56. […] Guide Is Here Posted on March 31, 2009 by Christine Sine In my initial Easter post An Invitation to join me in getting ready for lent and Easter I mentioned that I was inspired by NT Wright’s observation that: If Calvary means putting to […]

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