Prayers for the Journey

I just realized a couple of days ago that I stopped posting my weekly roundup of prayers from Light for the Journey at the beginning of Advent with the intention of restarting this practice whenever Christmas was over. I am a little late, but here are the prayers that I have posted each morning since the beginning of the year – enjoy!


This prayer by Mother Teresa was sent to me by Paul Uwemedimo

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work too may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guide me then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen


God who saves,

When we cannot see the path guide us

When we stumble lift us up

When we grow weary hold up our hands

Fight for us O God and do not let us be overcome


May we listen deeply to God’s Spirit
And ground our lives in prayer
May we make space for God’s transforming work
So that we can be renewed and discern the will of God


Looking out at the beautiful snow capped mountains inspired this prayer:

The whole world shines with God’s glory and love

May we know it in our hearts, share it in our actions, show it in our lives


May we learn to live in gratitude

Attentive to each moment

alive with the glory of God


May we let go the hurry

Learning to live with our bodies and spirits in sync with God

May we grow in awareness of God

In every moment and object and encounter

May we learn to live in trust

Knowing the all embracing love of God


God who revealed yourself to wise men following a star,

Guide all who search and journey towards your light today,

God whose light shines like a bright guiding star have mercy on us.


God may I live within limits,

of my body, my mind and my spirit.

God may I live within limits,

of my calling , my community, my capacity.

God may I live within limits,

of who I am and who you want me to be.

May I learn to live in the place of trust,

and wrap my heart around your presence.

May I learn to still my mind and listen,

attentive to the quiet whispers of your voice.

May I attune my ears to your words,

And savour the sacredness of each moment.

May your ways echo in the depths of my being,

so that all I am and all I do,

flows from an experience of your love.


God may I welcome this new year without fear or regret,

Secure in the certainty of your promises,

May I live in anticipation of its beauty,

And be prepared to embrace its challenges,

May I look for your love in every moment,

And listen for your voice in every sound,

May I see your image in every stranger,

And exalt in your glory expressed in all your creation,

May I learn to live in the place of trust,

Remembering always that the future is in your hands.


Christ is here, God’s son come down to earth,
May your life be built on him,
May your roots grow deep in him,
May your faith grow strong through him
(Adapted from Colossians 2:7)


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